Play Better Without Practice – Golf Digest


When you think about game improvement, the image that probably comes to mind is giant buckets of range balls or marathon sessions on the practice green. But that’s just wasting time, says Will Robins, a Golf Digest Best Young Teacher in Folsom, Calif. Robins takes his students on the course and shows them exactly where they’re throwing away shots. His instruction is about making better choices and simplifying the execution. His message: Lose the stress of trying to be perfect and learn to “play” the game better. We’ve partnered with Robins to turn his unique instruction into a 10-part video series. He takes you out to play, points out the pitfalls and sets you on a path to lower scores.


1 Getting Rid of Expectations

2 Driving it in Play

3 Stop Leaving Shots Short

4 Simplifying Chip Shots

5 No More Reading Greens

6 Taking Away the Flag

7 Getting Out of Trouble

8 Dialing in Your Wedges

9 Rewriting the Scorecard

10 Enjoying the Game

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