Golf Instruction That’s Killing Your Golf Swing: Attention Senior Golfers


  1. I'm confused about where shaft lean at impact comes from (because I almost never get good compression) I had a teacher tell me I needed to work on "bowing" my left wrist through impact but I dont have strong enough hands and wrists to hold that angle in a full speed swing. I've never been able to just swing with loose wrists and avoid thin and bladed shots. If wrists are kept loose, exactly what body/arm action produces shaft lean and compression of the ball?

  2. Its not difficult to understand all those naturals movements BUT the difficulty in golf is the hands are tied together and that throws everything off. Try asking Usian Bolt to run with holding both hands together. Try asking Tom Brady to throw a football with both hands on the ball. Most golf drills are without club in hand. To me they are useless. You can turn and rotate your body with a nice pivot but as soon as you set up with both hands on the club. it will feel completely different and that is why golf is difficult Its not the understanding part.

  3. 2:28– as far as I understand g.wolf, the focusing depends very much on the level of the player- beginner or experts… are advised to focus differently, internal external, club-plane,arm plane etc…. right or wrong

  4. Hi great tuition, I have a problem. I started playing golf 7 years ago I am in my 70s, thoroughly enjoying it but my problem is although I am a natural left handed what surprised me was that when I picked up the Club I can only play right handed. So when you say skimming the stone I cannot do that with my right hand so maybe this is my problem as I do not seem to turn correct to the target hope this makes sense regards Peter Hoffman

  5. Professional golfers can't even communicate with these golf instructors, its funny to watch. People go over the top because they are afraid to move the body so they don't miss the ball. One cannot top the ball with the club face, fat and top happen when people are trying to pick the ball clean of the turf. What they should be focusing on after setting up for the target, is trying to hit the ball on top with the club face , this is how professionals hit the ball first and then divot after. Professionals smack the ball on the downward trajectory. If one is swinging through the ball one can never hit the ball on the center of the club face. I have played with people who were struggling, trying to swing through the ball just perfectly, and found the task impossible. I suggested to them to aim for the top of the ball instead of under, they thought they would hit the ball into the ground. The club is designed to make it impossible to hit the ball downwards when hit with the face of the club from a standing position and elevation. Every time they tried my solution, they were amazed, the entire body was all of a sudden making the right movements not to mention automatic lag. So the free lesson. Imagine your club face has 0% loft (perfectly flat), then with a smooth swing aim at the top of the golf ball with the club face. Thank me later, because that is all you need to know to make perfect contact with the ball. Other issues are easier, such as direction and so forth.

  6. Hilarious video Mr. Clement,

    I overheard an instructor at our local range the other day; sounds like the one you described: Get the hands here elbow there pressure in the right back quadrant of the left foot and turn the hips but not too much and when one-third back feel the pressure in the big toe of the right foot and when you get that reverse the process in the same exact order but pay attention to your tempo as we don't want to get too quick but not too slow either….


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