1. I've never minded the "clown shoe" look. I love the zero-drop, wide toe box option for golf shoes. Several years ago, ankle reconstruction forced me to take a fresh look at the shoes I used for athletics. Zero-drop, minimally constructed shoes became my go-to for running and lifting, but they're sadly under-represented for golf. I figure hundreds of pounds of force are generated by the swing during a round of golf (to say nothing of humping a bag for a round.) That has to be comparable to a day of squats in the gym. So why on earth would I use shoes for golf that, by virtue of their construction, I wouldn't dream of using for jumping rope, squatting, or power cleans? I'm really glad to see that True is coming back to what put them on my radar in the first place: quality construction, minimalist feel shoes that allow my feet and ankles to do what they're intended; absorb and distribute the impact of forceful movements so my other joints are better protected.

  2. Thanks for highlighting this as an issue Shawn, foot health is not given enough airtime IMO. After several years of serious foot problems, I changed all my footwear over to minimalist wide toe zero rise shoes and as if by magic all my foot issues were cured virtually overnight. Previously after playing 10 holes my feet would feel as if they were on fire and after I finished the round I would have to soak my feet in ice cold water to dampen the agony! True and other shoe companies who promote correct shoe design have my total support and I couldn`t GAF about clown shoe comments, as long as my feet remain health that is all that matters!

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