Hilltop Lakes Golf News | Leon County Today

The frost had just cleared at the regular 9:00AM start of the Wednesday match, so the group did not start until 9:30. The format was best individual gross and net scores in two flights.

The first flight included 14 people with handicaps between 10 and 16. The First Flight Gross score winners were Steve Misterek shooting 74 and Bob Beevers with an 80. First Flight Net winners paid three places with Buddy Westbrook shooting 67, Bill Johnson with a 68, and Rex Kelly shooting 71.

The Second Flight included 11 members with handicaps 17 and up. The Second Flight Gross score winners of Darwin Wallace and Terry Edwards were tied at 87. The Second Flight Net winners were Jack Wimbish with a score f 67, and Second Place was a tie between Dean Lewis and Joe Bledsoe with scores of 69.

Closest to the pin winners were Dennis Pruitt on hole number 3, Buddy Westbrook on hole number 7, Mark Falconer on number 10, and Joe Bledsoe on number 15.

The format for the December 12th match is 4 man pick-your_ own-team and the best net score on each hole will count.

Participation in the regular Wednesday matches is open to all MGA members. Membership dues for 2019 are due by January 1 and are now being accepted at the Pro Shop.

December 6, 2018 the Hilltop WGA held their Christmas Luncheon and Year End Awards on December 6. Everyone had a wonderful time and the lunch that was provided was outstanding. Thanks to Puggy Sheets and all the ladies that help provide the lunch. Thanks also to the ladies that helped with the beautiful decorations.

The new WGABoard for 2019 was installed and listed below:President – Puggy Sheets, Vice President – Debbie Miller, Secretary – Mary Christensen, Treasurer – Sandy Brodine, Co-Play Directors – Renee Coody & Shirley Schiamara Parliamentarin – Vi Dodds.

2019 Dues are $45.00 and was collected from many ladies that attended luncheon. Those who have not paid, you can drop off at the proshop or to the treasurer Sandy Brodine.

Our most improved player for 2018 was Donna Neal.

WGA playdays will resume play on March 7, 2019.

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