Facing rate increase, Berlin golf commission seeks ordinance change

BERLIN — The Golf Commission is seeking an ordinance change to reduce the pressure on Timberlin Golf Course to generate a profit after inclement weather kept many golfers off the course this season.

“I’ve been in the golf business for 16 years now and this has been the worse golf season I’ve seen,” said Marc Bayram, Timberlin’s golf pro.

  Based on conversations with employees at other courses in the state, he estimated that play was down 10 to 15 percent due to a cold spring and hot and humid summer.

In order to comply with town ordinance, the Golf Commission takes a three year average of its attendance and must aim to generate a profit when revising rates. To break even under those requirements, Timberlin would need to raise rates by four percent, which commission members fear would prompt golfers to play at other courses.

“The 4 percent option may push people away…we may get less rounds and not meet our projection,” Bayram said. “One thing we don’t want to do is price ourselves out of the market.”

The other option is to keep rates low for certain groups, such as seniors, and raise rates more than four percent increase for others.

“We’re trying to make it revenue positive and we’re heading in that direction, but it’s a unique department in town,” said Mayor Mark Kaczynski. He expects the committee’s request to be on the agenda when the ordinance committee meets in January.

At a Dec. 11 meeting, Golf Commission members asked for more guidance. The current ordinance suggests it is meant to be a source of income, rather than an amenity available to residents akin to the pool or parks.

“I guess the big question is, ‘are we expected to become a profit center, a business, or are we a recreational facility for the town?’” asked James Norton, vice-chairman of the Golf Commission. “If we have to abide by this ordinance, which we have every intention to do so, the golf rates are going to have to reflect that. And it’s going to have to reflect across all categories: seniors, residents, non-residents.”

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Twitter: @leith_yessian

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