2019 Rookie Stroms Path to the LPGA | LPGA

For Linnea Strom playing on the LPGA Tour was always a dream. 

While the Swede began playing golf at an early age, similar to many others her age it wasn’t her only focus; she also played tennis and rode horses. 

It wasn’t until Linnea was fourteen that she decided to focus exclusively on golf.

“My older brother, Adam, has always been my biggest inspiration,” shared Linnea, who will begin her rookie year in a few weeks on the LPGA Tour. “I used to do everything that he did and spending time with him, and his friends on the golf course growing up taught me a lot of things.” 

Linnea spent two and a half years at Arizona State University, but after winning the NCAA Division I National Championship in 2017 she felt she was ready to take her game to the next level. 

In the fall of 2017, Linnea competed in the LPGA Qualifying Tournament and earned full status on the Symetra Tour for the 2018 season. At that point, she had a decision to make and was still debating whether to turn professional or stay in college for another year.

She admitted the decision was tough to make as she loved everything ASU had to offer, from her team to the coaches, one couldn’t ask for a better place to spend their college years.

“Personally and for my golf, it felt right to turn professional and give myself an honest chance to get my LPGA card through the Symetra Tour,” said Linnea.

Playing professional golf on the Symetra Tour compared to playing amateur golf led to an adjustment period of a few months before she felt comfortable, but she said she felt good with her game and knew she was heading in the right direction.

“I think that the biggest difference from college golf to Symetra was that a mistake on the golf course cost you a lot, in college golf, you could make a couple of mistakes but still have a shot for first place. On Symetra every shot is important and can move you up 20 positions,” said Linnea. “I will bring that with me to the LPGA. The margins are tiny, and everybody wants to win.” 

In August last year, she earned her first professional win at the Sioux Falls Great Life Challenge and admitted: “after that, I was more relaxed and played steady golf to secure my LPGA card for 2019.”

Playing on the Symetra Tour taught Linnea a lot about how to deal with all the traveling, practice and tournaments.

“As an amateur, you are not used to playing 4-6 tournaments in a row, so that was a big change for me this year,” said Linnea. “Now it is important to get in good practice and workouts even during the tournament weeks.” 

Linnea believes she is ready for the LPGA Tour and the new chapter in her career.  

“After many years as an amateur including two and half years in college and one year as a professional on the Symetra Tour I feel ready to take the next step to LPGA,” said Linnea. “I believe that there is always going to be a challenge and learning experience and that is the fun part about golf. “ 

“I am very proud of where I am so far and excited to take on the challenges I have ahead of me,” said Linnea.

For Linnea, her dream becomes a reality when she begins her rookie season at the ISPS Handa Vic Open.

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